INSTALLATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Download and install the VMware Player software. 2. If this copy of the HUBzero virtual machine is on a USB stick please copy it to your computer's hard drive. The image will be in a folder named hubzerovm-1.1.0. 3. Start VMware and open the HUBzero virtual machine (hubbub2012.vmx). It may ask whether it was copied, say "yes". 4. Find the network control panel for VMware and select "host only". The HUBzero virtual machine uses published passwords so it should not be on the internet until those are changed. 5. Start the HUBzero virtual machine and log into it using the name "root" and the password "hubzero2012". You will find various passwords for the site in /etc/hubzero.secrets (changing the data in this file will not alter the real passwords). 6. Run the command "ifconfig eth0". The second line should report something like "inet addr:" -- record that number. Its the IP address given to the HUBzero virtual machine by the VMware software. 7. Run the command "nano /etc/hosts". Replace the IP number for with the IP number recorded in the previous step. Save the changes by pressing Ctrl-O and exit by pressing Ctr-X. 8. Run the command "reboot". Log back into the VM and double check the IP. 9. Start your web browser and point it at "http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" using the IP number you recorded above to replace the XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX part. REGISTER AS A USER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This should load the front page of your HUBzero virtual machine. Follow the steps below to start using HUBzero. 1. On the home page of your Hub, select the "Register" button in the upper right corner. Fill in the information required and press "Create Account". 2. Normally, an email would be sent to you to confirm but since this VM is local only the confirmation must be done by the administrator. Do this by pointing your web browser at "http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/administrator/" (again replacing XXX... with your IP address). Log in by entering "admin" for the username and "t2W83eITc5" for the password. 3. Pull down the "Users" menu and select the "Members" menu item. Find the new user and click on it. Scroll down the page and find the "Details" box and click on the "Confirm" button in the "Email" section. The click the large "Save" button in the upper right part of the page. The click the small "logout" text in the upper right part of the page. USING YOUR NEW HUB ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have now created and enabled a new user for your Hub. Follow the steps below to do something with it. 1. Point the web browser back at the hub's home page (http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) and click on "Login". Enter the same username and password that was registered. This will bring up your dashboard page. 2. Run the workspace tool. Select the "All Tools" tab and the "Workspace" entry should come up. Press the figure on the right side to launch it. 3. You may see a security warning. This is normal since this is not a web site on the internet. In this case, it is safe to continue. 4. You should see the workspace come up with a "Color xterm" window on it. Click on the window and type some commands. Your new user now has a space where they can develop tools for your Hub. When done, press the "close" button to end your workspace session. That's the basics. To learn more about using the HUBzero technology, please visit us at